Statewide Assembly 2021

LAUC Statewide Assembly 2021
Conducted virtually the week of Monday, May 3rd
On Monday 5/3 at Noon, the LAUC Statewide Assembly will begin with its keynote. The rest of the Assembly will take place on the afternoon of Thursday, May 6th.
LAUC members will receive an email from their division chairs with the Zoom information, which will be the same for all of these sessions.
The plenary sessions are a part of the Academic Freedom Education Initiative - be sure to explore the initiative webpage to find out more information.
If you have any questions about the LAUC Assembly, ask your LAUC Division head for more information.
Monday 5/3 Noon–1:00PM
Keynote Session
LAUC welcomes Alexis Logsdon and Danya Leebaw, who will present a 60-minute session derived from their published research examining Academic Librarians’ lived experience with Academic Freedom. This session will be recorded and made immediately available for viewing.
Thursday 5/6 12:00 PM –12:50 PM
Research & Professional Development committee
This LAUC standing committee will discuss their work this year, which included a grants event, ongoing website updates, and a campus-wide survey of our members’ professional development. They will also share tips for applying for future grants!
1:00 PM –1:50 PM
LAUC Executive Board Business Meeting
This meeting will march through several formalities, including submission of formal reports from standing committees and verbal reports from the heads of each LAUC divisions. Your elected representatives to the assembly will also have the opportunity to submit other new business to the Board for consideration, and all LAUC members can submit nominations to LAUC statewide elections “from the floor.”
2:00 PM –3:00 PM
DEI Lightning Talks
The LAUC Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee presents an opportunity for LAUC members to engage with, exchange ideas on, and share experiences regarding DEI actions and initiatives. Do you have a topic you’d like to cover in a 5-minute talk? Submit your proposed Lightning talk today!
3:30 PM –5:00 PM
Plenary: Academic Freedom Scenarios
Logsdon and Leebaw return, building upon their keynote with a structured group activity and discussion, revolving around a sampling of Academic Freedom challenges that librarians may encounter.