Special Assembly II - Membership Issue
Tuesday, April 14, 2015 - 11:00am to Wednesday, April 15, 2015 - 12:45pm (ended)
Virtual via Readytalk
The second of two Special Assemblies on the membership issue that will be held remotely by conference call.
Article VII Section 3(d) of the LAUC by-laws states that all LAUC members are entitled to attend and participate in Assemblies although they may not make motions or vote if they are not Assembly delegates. Readytalk information for the calls is:
Phone: 866-740-1260
Access Code: 9181033#
These Special Assemblies are for the purpose of reviewing and approving the recommendations of the Committee on Professional Governance (CPG) on the membership by-laws. If approved, the recommendations will be put to a vote by the full membership during the annual elections at the end of April.