LAUC Statewide 50th Anniversary Assembly

The 2017 LAUC Assembly Local Arrangements Committee looks forward to welcome LAUC members from all campuses to what promises will be a fun celebration of what has shaped LAUC over the last half century. For those of us who are long term LAUC activists and those who are newer to UC, this will be a chance to see how LAUC has made a difference. Come see old friends, make new ones and be prepared for many surprises that await you at UCI on April 20. Please share your memories and reflections on the website. We hope that you will join us on this special occasion.
Statewide Assembly
Celebrating 50 Years
20 April 2017
UC Irvine
Student Center, Pacific Ballrooms C&D
8:30–10am – Registration and continental breakfast
9:30-10am – Poster walk through and display
10:00am – Assembly call to order, Dana Peterman, President
- Overview of agenda, logistics (Twitter: Follow @LAUClibrarians and use #LAUCAssembly2017 to tweet about the Assembly
- Welcoming remarks from University Librarian, Lorelei Tanji
- Roll call of divisions and delegates, Secretary Angela Horne
- Committee reports
- Committee on Professional Governance - Chair, Michael Yonezawa
- Research and Professional Development Committee - Vice President and Chair, Carla Arbagey
- Committee on Diversity - Chair, Corliss Lee
- Nominations Report and floor call for nominees for Vice President, Secretary, etc. - Past President and Chair, Diane Mizrachi
- LAUC Representative Reports
- Shared Library Facilities Board (SFLB) – Report submitted by Representative Kristine Ferry
- Shared Content Leadership Group (SCLG) – Representative Becky Imamoto
- Systemwide Library And Scholarly Information Committee (SLASIAC) – Representative Sue Koskinen
- Direction and Oversight Committee (DOC) – Representative Katherine Nelson
- University Committee On Library And Scholarly Communication (UCOLASC) – Consultant Dana Peterman
- President's Report – Dana Peterman
Vote on revised and finalized Position papers from last Assembly and feedback obtained throughout 2016.
- Position paper 2 revisions – vote to accept or reject
- Position paper 4 revisions – vote to accept or reject
- Position Paper Rewrite Task Force Report
Celebrate the 50th! An Overview of LAUC at 50 Publications and Information
12pm-1:30pm Lunch and poster
- Poster sessions during lunch with additional 30 minutes to 1:30pm Presenters: Jill Barr-Walker (UCSF), Stefan Elnabli (UCSD), Julie Goldsmith (UCB), Robin M. Katz (UCR), Jin Moon (UCSD), Shira Peltzman (UCLA)
1:30-2:00pm – LAUC/Librarian Jeopardy
2:00-2:15pm – Break/Set-up
2:30-3:30pm – Panel Program
LAUC’s First Fifty Years: Reflections on Leadership from Past Presidents
Moderated by Dana Peterman with panelists:
- Judy Horn, UCI, 1989-1990
- Linda Kennedy, UCD, 2003-2004
- Diane Mizrachi, UCLA, 2015-2016
3:30pm – Closing remarks and call for adjournment
3:40–3:50pm - Photo of attending Past Presidents
3:50pm - Library Tours - Assemble outside the Student Center, Pacific Ballrooms C&D
WiFi Options
- Select the network "UCInet Mobile Access" and then open a web browser and try to connect to any web page. You should be redirected to our Express Registration ("ExpressReg") page where you will be guided through the registration process. Click the Login as a Guest link, which will take you to the Guest Registration System. Read the Visit agreement and fill in the Web form with your name, email address and reason for visiting the campus. For more information on connecting to UC Irvine WiFi, please visit How to Register Your Device for Internet Access (
- Guests can also log into the eduroam WiFi. Information can be found on the UC Irvine eduroam page. (
- Guests can also log into the eduroam WiFi. Information can be found on the UC Irvine eduroam page.
Submit your a memory of your time with LAUC. These memories will be posted on the website after review. Submissions can be made here:
View submitted LAUC 50th stories:
View anniversary content submitted by local divisions:
A block of parking spaces has been reserved until 9:45am on April 20 at the Student Center Parking Structure on the corner of West Peltason & Pereira at Campus. Bring your campus parking ticket and obtain a day pass at no cost; without pass, cost is $10. Campus Maps at - Student Center is Building #113.
Freeway-based directions
405 Freeway
From the North:
- Exit at Jamboree Rd.
- Right on Jamboree Rd.
- Left on Campus Dr.
- Right on West Peltason into UCI
- Immediate Left on Pereira
- Left into Parking Structure
From the South:
- Exit at University Dr.
- Left on University Dr.
- Left on Campus Dr.
- Right on West Peltason into UCI
- Immediate Left at first light and Left into Parking Structure
73 Freeway/Tollway
From the North:
- Exit at Bison Ave.
- Left on Bison Ave. into UCI
- Left at Pereira
- Right on West Peltason
- Right on Pereira (makes a big circle but does not go through)
- Immediate Left into Parking Structure
From the South (toll):
- Exit at Bison Ave.
- Right on Bison Ave. into UCI
- Left at Pereira
- Right on West Peltason
- Right on Pereira (makes a big circle but does not go through)
- Immediate Left into Parking Structure
5 Freeway
From the North:
- Take 5 South to 55 South to 73 South
- Exit at Bison Ave.
- Left on Bison Ave. into UCI
- Left at Pereira
- Right on West Peltason
- Right on Pereira (makes a big circle but does not go through)
- Immediate Left into Parking Structure
From the South:
- Take 5 North to 405 North
- Exit at University Dr.
- Left on University Dr.
- Left on Campus Dr.
- Right on West Peltason into UCI
- Left at Pereira
- Right on West Peltason
- Right on Pereira (makes a big circle but does not go through)
- Immediate Left into Parking Structure
55 Freeway
From the North:
- Take 55 South to 73 South
- Exit at Bison Ave.
- Left on Bison Ave. into UCI
- Left at Pereira
- Right on West Peltason
- Right on Pereira (makes a big circle but does not go through)
- Immediate Left into Parking Structure
From the South:
- Take 55 North to 73 South
- Exit at Bison Ave.
- Left on Bison Ave. into UCI
- Left at Pereira
- Right on West Peltason
- Right on Pereira (makes a big circle but does not go through)
- Immediate Left into Parking Structure
91 Freeway/261 Tollway
From the North:
- Take 91 West to 241 South to 261 South (portions toll)
- 261 becomes Jamboree Road
- Left on Campus Drive
- Right on West Peltason Drive
- Immediate Left at first light and Left into Parking Structure
If you are traveling by air, please make your reservations as soon as possible to the Orange County John Wayne Airport.
Please follow local campus guidelines for submitting receipts for reimbursement.
A block of rooms has been reserved for the LAUC Assembly. Reservations should be made by March 26, 2017.
To make reservations with the Wyndham, use this link.
Wyndham Hotel
17941 Von Karman Ave
Irvine, CA 92614
Library staff are happy to arrange visits to any of the UCI Libraries on the Main Campus immediately following the Assembly and to take a walk around the campus. Please let us know if you plan to join this activity.
Julia Gelfand
Chair, LAUC Assembly 2017 Local Arrangements Committee
jgelfand [at]
Colby Riggs
Chair, LAUC-I 2016-2017
cmriggs [at]
Coming soon.
Committee on Professional Governance
Research and Professional Development Committee
Committee on Diversity
Nominations Report
Shared Library Facilities Board (SFLB)
Shared Content Leadership Group (SCLG)
Systemwide Library And Scholarly Information Committee (SLASIAC)
Direction and Oversight Committee (DOC)
University Committee On Library And Scholarly Communication (UCOLASC)
President's Report
Web Group Report
LAUC CPG Article III Editorial
LAUC CPG Article VIII Editorial
LAUC CPG Diversity Stats
Vote on revised and finalized Position papers from last Assembly and feedback obtained throughout 2016.
Position paper 2 revisions
Position paper 4 revisions
Position Paper Rewrite Task Force Report