Position Paper No. 3 (Retired)
Documentation Guidelines for the Review of Librarians
These guidelines offer a model of documentation which may be used for the review of academic staff in the Librarian Series at the University of California. They also group together different types of professional activities and suggest where they fit best in relation to the criteria of Section 210.4 of the Academic Personnel Manual. They are not intended to supersede the procedures which are already established on each campus; however, they do provide general statewide standards which may be adapted and/or followed by any campus which so chooses.
The guidelines consist of two parts: the first is a general statement of the kinds of material to be included, and the second is a biographical supplement that provides the format for librarians to use in summarizing their work. It should be noted that the information, not the format, is the significant element; if it can be supplied more conveniently in some other form, it should be done so. For example, the inclusion of a position description might supply much of the information outlined in section IA of the supplement.
It is recommended that this format be considered whenever it becomes necessary to revise the type of documentation used in the review of librarians on any campus of the U.C. system.
October, 1976. APM numbers updated and retyped June, 1990.
The following documents are normally submitted by the reviewee to initiate the review process:
An updated UC Biography for Academic Personnel Form
Supplement for librarians to the Biography for Academic Personnel (see attached), summarizing activities, contributions, and future plans.
Any other statement or material deemed relevant for review. Normally, copies of manuals, publications, etc. are not included, unless specifically requested during the peer review process.
(Optional) A list of individuals from whom the reviewee would like letters solicited for the review. This would be particularly important for a promotion review.
Academic title (rank & salary):
Functional title(s):
Summarize contributions to the library and librarianship according to the criteria established in Section 51-4 of the Academic Personnel Manual, and additional categories as appropriate.
I Professional Competence and Quality of Service Within the Library.
A. General statement of duties and responsibilities. (Includes function, areas of service, nature and extent of resources and staff supervised. Mention new or enlarged areas of responsibility assumed since the previous report.)
B. Contributions in the five major areas of librarianship.
Selection and Development of resources. (Describe areas of responsibility in terms of subject, languages, clientele served and discuss contributions in the selection and/or development of resources.)
Bibliographical control of collections and their organization for use. (Describe types of cataloging performed, consultive work, procedures developed for the organization and bibliographic control of materials, and new procedures or technical innovations developed.)
Reference and advisory service. (Describe areas of responsibility, clientele served, special subject areas covered, and range of services offered, such as manual and machine searching, preparation of bibliographic and current awareness tools, development and maintenance of unique reference files, library orientation and instruction, the preparation of exhibits, etc.)
Development and application of specialized information systems. (Describe projects or activities carried out, consultive service rendered, reports, manuals, etc., developed and other systems contributions.)
Library administration and management. (Describe administrative responsibilities including fiscal management and personnel administration; summarize planning activities.)
C. Describe committee and task force activity within the library.
D. Describe any special projects or contributions not mentioned above.
II. Professional Activity Outside the Library
A. Describe membership and activity in professional and scholarly organizations, including participation in library and other professional meetings and conferences.
B. Describe awards, fellowships, and/or grants received.
C. Teaching and lecturing activity.
D. Editorial activity.
III. University and Public Service.
A. Participation in the Librarians Association of the University of California.
B. University participation, such as an academic senate committee, or a special campus committee.
C. University-wide participation.
D. Professional librarian services to community, state, nation. (Contributions based upon professional and scholarly expertise.)
IV. Research and other Creative Activity.
A. Publications. (Articles, books, bibliographies, reviews, etc.)
B. Papers presented at professional and scholarly meetings.
C. Other creative and/or research activity.
V. Continuing Professional Education.
A. Formal course work completed. (Mention any degree objectives or degrees completed.)
B. Workshops, institutes, and conferences attended.
VI. Future Plans and Objectives.
Addendum: LAUC Position Paper No. 3
In 1988, LAUC adopted a Model Call which includes some of the information covered in LAUC Position Paper No. 3, part 1.
The Committee on Professional Governance maintains the LAUC Peer Review Documents: A Compendium consisting of campus and Universitywide documents related to the peer review process for Librarians at the University of California. A copy of the Table of Contents appears on MELVYL. The Compendium itself resides with the Chair of the Committee of Professional Governance. Copies of documents in the Compendium may be obtained from Committee members.
Susan Starr, LAUC President, April, 1989. Revised June, 1990, Judy Horn, LAUC President.