Position Paper No. 4
Principles and Guidelines Underlying Appointments, Promotions, and Advancements for the Librarian Series
1. The criteria for appointment to and advancement through the ranks of the librarian series are established in APM - 210-4 APM - 360 (for non-represented librarians), and Unit 17 MOU Article 4 (for represented librarians). These criteria fully define on what basis a librarian can be appointed, promoted, or advanced. Expansion of these criteria into detailed lists of expected accomplishments serves no useful purpose because of the adaptable nature of the criteria and the individuality of each career.
2. The potential for advancement to the rank of Librarian is open to all members of the librarian series. It is the merit of the individual librarian that will determine whether a promotion is achieved. There shall be no quotas, neither with regard to the number of librarians in the Librarian rank, nor to the amount of money in the budget, for a recommendation on promotion or advancement should be made solely on the individual merits of the librarian under review.
3. A review for promotion or career status shall give full consideration to the total career of the candidate.
4. A librarian holding at an appointment at one of the ten University of California campuses shall be reviewed in accordance with established review procedures of that campus.
5. A librarian holding an appointment at one of the ten University of California campuses but working at a location remote from any campus (e.g., Bodega Bay Marine Laboratory) shall be reviewed in accordance with the procedures of the campus to which he or she reports administratively.
6. A librarian holding an appointment at a location other than one of the ten University of California campuses (e.g., Office of the President, Office of National Laboratories, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources) shall be reviewed in accordance with the established review procedures of the campus nearest which the regular duties are performed. In the case of a librarian having a systemwide appointment, at least one member of the review committee shall be from a campus other than that where the review is taking place.
7. A librarian holding an appointment at one campus but working on assignment at another shall be reviewed in accordance with the procedures of the campus where the work is performed.
Update: April 20, 2017