Sanghun Cho

How did you become interested in librarianship?
When I was in a graduate school at the University of Toronto (UofT), Canada, I made the East Asian Library of UofT like my home. I often consulted with the Korean Studies Librarian about my research and library materials, and I got much familiar with the library as a user. Then, I got interested in how library materials and services become available to users and were fascinated about the work the Korean Studies Librarian did including collection development, international collaboration with Korean research institutions, and conducting research to name a few.
Describe the first time you worked in a library.
It was in Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, somewhat equivalent to USDA. I was an assistant to the Lead of knowledge management (KM) program. I was responsible for research and building a print and online collection on KM in the governmental sector for a wide range of users from an expert to a novice on the subject of KM.
I am a member for the Peer Review Documentation Workshop Committee and Election Committee in LAUC-LA for the 2016-2017 year.
What do you like best about being a UC librarian?
I have many opportunities to learn and study about various research subjects on Korea through conferences, lectures, and guest speaker series at UCLA. I also have a great chance to talk to visiting scholars and researchers to talk in person about their research. This helps me a lot to build the Korean collection at UCLA and to serve the Korean Studies community at UCLA. Since UC is a great academic body, it attracts many famous scholars to come and talk.
Describe a recent or current project on which you are working.
One project the I recently completed is an exhibition on Ho Young Ham Papers at UCLA, which is currently going on at the Richard C. Rudolph East Asian Library. The Papers consist of various materials on early Korean immigration in Hawaii in the first half of the 20th century.
Describe your recent professional work outside of work, such as association work, writing, research, or anything else.
I have been conducting research on Korean materials in the Nixon and Reagan Presidential Libraries respectively. The purpose of research is to discover and collect Korea-related materials in two libraries. My goal is to publish an annotated catalog of Korean materials in both presidential libraries.
What would you like the next big thing in libraries to be?
Complete this statement: "One surprising fact about me is...”
I served in the army in Korea for 26 months and 7 years in the reserved army since the Korean War hasn't completely ended yet. South and North Korea are in an official state of war, under an armistice since July 1953.
Can you recommend a book or movie or tell us your favorite book or movie and why?
Western Intellectual Tradition: From Leonardo to Hegel by Jacob Bronowski and Bruce Mazlish. I read the translated version of book in Korean when I was in the sophomore year of university. It is the book that made me dream of studying abroad. It is one of the books that has influenced me the most, but maybe not the most favorite.
Please note your website or social media site, if you would like to share
Korean collection at UCLA: